Disrupting Whiteness
Talking with White People About Racism

by Drick Boyd
In recent years, many white people have become awakened to the reality of racism at all levels of American society and the need for significant social change. Yet, the majority of white people in the U.S. still consider racism a topic to avoid rather than engage. Drawing on the author’s personal experience as a professor and antiracism trainer, Disrupting Whiteness offers an approach to talking about racism that is conversational rather than combative, and invites people to a deeper exploration of why they think and feel as they do.
about the author
Drick Boyd is a former Baptist pastor and professor emeritus of Urban and Interdisciplinary Studies at Eastern University, where he taught from 1997–2019. His areas of focus are urban theology, race and ethnic relations, leadership development, social activism, restorative justice, interfaith and interracial coalitions, and popular education. Married with three adult children, Drick is a cycling enthusiast, sports fanatic, lover of books and guitar player.